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- Short: Workbench built of IBrowse windows
- Author: A. Paabo
- Uploader: paabo@bancom.net
- Version: 1.0
- Type: com/www
- - Workbench 3.+
- - IBrowse 1.2
- - optional FTPMount
- - viewing and editing local picture directories used in web pagee design
- 1. copy/drag WWWworkbench drawer in the IBrowse program directory
- 2. configure IBrowse to be able to launch 'StartWWWworkbench.ibrx' from its AArexx menu
- (go to IBrowse:preferences-General-Arexx. Enter label 'Start WWWworkbench', and install
- a path to the 'StartWWWworkbench.ibrx' firle in the WWWworkbench draweer.)
- 3. configure the Amigados rx program as an external viewer for files with -.ibrx extension.
- (Go to Prefeerences-General-External Viewers; Click ADD and enter as MIME TYPE-"arexx";
- Then under EXTENSION enter "ibrx", and under ACTION select "external viewer"
- Under VIEWER write the location of your rx which will probably be Sys:rexxc/rx.
- Finally under ARGUMENTS you'll have "%f". CLICK OK)
- 4. select SAVE SETTINGS to save these changes or they will be lost on quitting.
- 5. start the script.(Select from the arexx menu the item 'Start WWWworkbench' to Start)
- 6. NOTE: if IBrowse is running on its own pubscreen you need to specify the screen name
- By default the file requesters will appear on the workbench (default) screen.
- To cause requesters to appear on separate "IBROWSE" pubscreen, you must inform the
- program in the CONFIGURATION page.
- 7. configuration: select the 'config' link on the title page, and read the guide. It
- is quite self-explanatory. Aside from item 6, you can run it on the default settings
- for a while before modifying.
- - WWWworkbenchIB is largely a set of arexx scripts that generates html documents
- on the fly which it then instructs IBrowse to load.Aside from the fact that a
- configuration file will be saved into WWWworkbench for next time, all action
- takes place in a W4 directory in Ram. Thus it is very safe. However, since
- I don't know what you will do with it, I hereby assume no responsibility for
- any damages, that may result.
- - It is designed so that you might view and edit remote directories with the use
- of FTPMount. Since IBrowse seems to freeze when trying to load something directly
- through FTPMOunt have designed it so that, IBrowse loads all maateriaal via http:
- nd FTPMount is only used for directory editing operations such as FTPMount is
- able to perform. This means that WWWworkbench can only be used on remote
- directories wheere you have BOTH FTP access and http access. WWWworkbeench has
- no direct connection with FTPMount. FTPMount (c)Evan Scott is available on Aminet.
- Get it working for you independently. WWWworkbench will only utilize it if you
- happen to have it. The operation of FTPMount or IBrowse are completely independent
- of WWWorkbench. As I say WWWworkbench is only a set of arexx scripts that utilize
- IBrowse and FTPMount, which you hve to deal with separately.
- -Andres Pääbo, Box 478, Apsley, Ont. Canada K0L 1AO. Can-705-656-9387
- -email paabo@bancom.net
- -Another arexx program--check web site at www.bancroft.bancom.net/~paabo/WAD/WAD.html
- -date of this upload Sept, 1998
- -------------------------------
- ============================= Archive contents =============================
- Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
- -------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
- 547 388 29.0% 09-Sep-98 20:48:50 +W42IFX.ibrx
- 570 408 28.4% 09-Sep-98 20:48:18 +W42PP.ibrx
- 1777 1777 0.0% 29-Sep-98 08:38:56 +bigpic.jpg
- 1079 1079 0.0% 29-Sep-98 08:39:24 +drawer.jpg
- 2017 2017 0.0% 29-Sep-98 08:39:44 +html.jpg
- 4532 1798 60.3% 29-Sep-98 08:41:02 +StartWWWworkbench.ibrx
- 953 493 48.2% 09-Sep-98 20:44:36 +W4arexx.ibrx
- 368 266 27.7% 09-Sep-98 19:41:30 +W4clone.ibrx
- 1067 579 45.7% 09-Sep-98 19:42:30 +W4clonefiles.ibrx
- 1072 565 47.2% 29-Sep-98 08:41:06 +W4config.txt
- 1602 763 52.3% 10-Sep-98 10:01:58 +W4copytoother.ibrx
- 1256 583 53.5% 09-Sep-98 19:44:54 +W4delete.ibrx
- 1174 567 51.7% 09-Sep-98 20:43:32 +W4deletedir.ibrx
- 473 278 41.2% 04-Sep-98 22:49:48 +W4guide.html
- 5013 1259 74.8% 09-Sep-98 20:23:54 +W4guidemenu.html
- 776 427 44.9% 09-Sep-98 19:47:28 +W4makedir.ibrx
- 2021 854 57.7% 10-Sep-98 10:16:32 +W4movetoother.ibrx
- 605 413 31.7% 09-Sep-98 19:51:26 +W4new.ibrx
- 561 349 37.7% 19-Sep-98 11:44:40 +W4parent.ibrx
- 223 186 16.5% 19-Sep-98 11:31:28 +W4refresh.ibrx
- 1376 547 60.2% 09-Sep-98 19:52:16 +W4rename.ibrx
- 33179 13195 60.2% 19-Sep-98 12:13:46 +WWWwGuide.html
- 9406 3536 62.4% 29-Sep-98 08:37:24 +WWWworkbench.ibrx
- -------- ------- ----- --------- --------
- 71647 32327 54.8% 30-Sep-98 04:22:24 23 files